Scout to the Pole states that human society has grown to a level of complexity that can no longer be managed intuitively by humans. It discusses the need for systems modeling to address this problem. It also states that discussions by population experts, that the world population will stop growing at around 12 to 15 billion, are totally misguided. If these projected levels were ever to be reached, the human race would experience what is called the Malthus Dismal Theorem. Life, for most people on earth, would be brutal. The book states that, from the knowledge we already have, for any decent quality of life for all, a reduction to 2 billion or less is needed, in contrast to existing ideas promoted by commerce leaders. The following discussions are from Vol. 2, chapter 34. The discussion has been subdivided into the following parts:

• Sustainability and Population Control: A discussion about sustainability, the Club of Rome report, and the need population control

• Need for INTELLIGENT DESIGN: How sustainability could be implemented in society – Intentional Communities